Careful What You Wish For III
It’s like the world was covered in whipped cream while I slept.
I measured the snow out the patio door with my trusty old ruler. Six-and-a-half inches. It’s still snowing, though just lightly at the moment. I’d entertained fantasies of perhaps running a few errands today. Um … I think not. Well, unless I can figure out how to put sled runners on the yard cart and teach the dog to mush.
Seriously, though. This is the most snow I’ve seen in more than 11 years living in this town, at this elevation. It’s more snow than I’ve seen in the more than 15 years since I came back to the Placerville area from my German adventures. The first winter we lived in this house we had a lot of snow, a whole lot more than we’d expected. That was a cold, cold winter for the Wren family, but we’ve never had that much since, until now. In fact, there’s more snow right now than during The Freezing Winter of ’97, which went down in family history.
Fortunately, we’re much better equipped to deal with snow now.
Oh, hey (looks around guiltily) … Do you suppose all my complaining about the unseasonably warm, mild weather we were having angered the weather gods? The snow god in particular? I just had to go off, didn’t I, badmouthing sunshine. Got my comeuppance, I did. Holy Schnee, Batman!

Heheh (a little weakly) … According to the National Weather Service, a fine group of meteorologists whom I will never denigrate again, I promise, there’s another hugemonsterholyf**kingsh*t storm coming in tonight. This is the one they’re warning, and I quote: “May spread heavy snow and strong winds over the region tonight into Monday …” and urges us seriously and without the slightest hysterical note to “Continue to monitor NWS forecasts on this potentially dangerous storm.”

I think tonight would be a good one for potato soup and brown soda bread. What do you think?
Potato soup sounds awesome!
We only got a couple of inches today, though it's still coming down. Of course, this is a couple days after the foot and a half of snow we got in 3 days had finally (mostly) melted away!
Hope you get enough for the reservoirs to fill.
And enjoy that soup & soda bread!
Thanks, Michael. To all you folks out east (which is the entire country, to me), I must sound like the veriest dork. But really, this is so unusual, this much snow. It's as strange as the weeks and weeks of sunshine we've had. I have a feeling (with a forecast of storms, now, through Wednesday, our drought has ended. I'm grateful.
We're expecting that storm to slam the coast tonight and all day tomorrow. It's supposed to bring gale force winds. Okay. We'll batten down and enjoy the sounds of monster waves crashing the shore. Potato soup sounds perfect.
Well, good thing I got Monday and Tuesday off of work. I just might not be moving those days, but stuck at home instead! Of course it's not as bad down here , but still bad enough to make Matt and I dread attempting running mroe errands today ...
I knew we should have gone grocery shopping yesterday when we had the chance ...
Robin, that sounds so incredibly beautiful, listening to stormwaves and wild wind and rain while you're cozy, warm and safe inside. My thoughts will be with you and Roger as you ride the storm out tonight and tomorrow.
Man, I dislike shopping for groceries too, Sketch. And you've got so many hills to maneuver to get to the closest one! Well, if you just have to do it, here's my wish it will be much easier than expected and you'll make it home safe before the next wave comes in. And that we'll all enjoy cozy, warm havens while the wild storms blow through.
P.S.: Get some potatoes and I'll send you my potato soup recipe...
Soup would go great with that snow.
When we came in late last night there was a perfect coating of about 2" of snow, and it was just tapering off. Now it's mostly melted, which works out fine.
C'mon King, thars people stuck in them woods - they need us to get a message to the fort in Sacramento.
Atta boy ... you go on ... I'm plum tucked out. I'll just sit here a spell. You go, gotta save those pilgrims, I'm counting on you..
And bark once to Ma, she'll know what it means.
Now, go, King, go... Run like the wind!
Why Bill, I think you're teasing me. (laughing)
Nice pix and sentiments, Leslie. Mmmmm, potato soup. The NWS said we'd get all rain for this very wet storm that's now upon us. Snowing here at 2,500 feet since dawn. It's 33.5 degrees, so it's sticking, but not piling up quickly. ALso not nearly as windy as they predicted... (yet?)
Be well, my friend!
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