VP: "Up yours, America."
"Cheney said that even with pollsters predicting that Democrats would likely make gains in both houses of Congress Tuesday, voter sentiment would not influence Bush's
"'It may not be popular with the public — it doesn't matter in the sense that we have to continue the mission and do what we think is right. And that's exactly what we're doing," Cheney said. "We're not running for office. We're doing what we think is right.'"
-- Vice President Dick Cheney,
ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos
It doesn’t matter? Holygods. Those words are utterly contemptuous of the American people – the people who voted him into office, along with his sock puppet, George.
He’s as serious as a
“We’re not running for office.” Cheney thinks that because he and George W. Bush aren’t running for office in 2008, they can do any damn thing they want, regardless of the will of the people they serve. They can continue to shred the Constitution and set fire to the Bill of Rights, they can continue to get our soldiers killed in
Why, he might as well have just said “fuck you,
This is dangerous territory. After Tuesday, the Bush administration may no longer have a rubber-stamp Congress to do its bidding. The system of checks and balances the Founders built into our great democracy may finally start clicking into place, and unless we’ve all been fed a huge load by the Democrats as well, it may put the brakes on this tyrannical presidency, as it was supposed to.
And then what? Will Cheney and Bush act on the laws they’ve so carefully enacted (or written and added signing statements to) over the last six years and simply ignore the People, the Judiciary and Congress?
Will they have those U.S. representatives and senators who have the cojones to oppose them locked up indefinitely along with members of the press and anyone else they feel like locking up, including you and me? Will they claim that with
Maybe not. But conjecturing on it sure isn’t much of a leap from “it doesn’t matter.”
Dick Cheney has been giving the American people the bird from the moment he took office in 2000, notoriously starting with his refusal to disclose who participated in the meetings on the president’s energy policy with him. He’s lied over and over again about Saddam’s involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks and has grimly painted pictures of mushroom clouds and dirty bombs, terrorists on America's Main Streets and sneered at anyone who dared to question him, even going so far as to imply that Democrats are terrorist appeasers and traitors.
Sometimes I think all George W. Bush really wants to do is go mountain biking, then have his cookies and milk and a nice nap. The real power behind this unitary presidency is Dick Cheney.
And he has no soul.
If Congress won’t start impeachment proceedings against Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and Gonzalez, whatever happens after Nov. 7? What hope does
I sent in my absentee mail-in ballot the other day. I urge all of you to vote like it counts. Because oh, my. It does.
NOTE: I'd posted the following earlier today, but Blogger seems to have eaten it. Here it is again, in its entirety:
Rogues and blaggards
Can someone tell me why this president and his administration -- these rogues and blaggards* -- cannot be removed from office for the good of the country and its democracy?
We can impeach a president for being zipper-challenged and lying about it, but we cannot – or will not? – impeach a president for lying to his country in order to gull it into a devastating war (and in so doing, causing the deaths and maiming of thousands on both sides of the conflict), for corruption, and for what now appears to be insanity?