26 April 2006

Possum spring

It's been a little busy around the nest tonight.

You know how it is -- you get home from work and suddenly, there are just so many things needing your attention. The cat wants strokes, the dog wants goodies, Mr. Wren needs dinner-making instructions and, as he boils rice and grills chicken, has to tell you how he saved The Girls from a marauding possum in the wee hours. Actually picked the creature up by the tail.

Yes, I spat my coffee in surprise, too.

And then there are e-mails to read, Babylon 5 on DVD to watch, leftover apple cake to eat and worlds to save.

That's a roundabout excuse for an absent muse, this pleasant spring evening. But do saunter over to Patrick at I Speak Dog and get a load of the graphic he posted. You'll get a chuckle, I'm sure, just like I did. And he writes the most lovely things as he tinkers with life.

Enjoy. I'll be back tomorrow.

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